How does a MD know what antibiotic to prescribe for a sinus infection?

It's rare a doctor will take the time and expense to ID a sinus infection. If the sinus infection looks like a bacterial infection the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic that treats a broad spectrum of things like Augmentin. Chances are good the bacteria causing your sinus infection will be taken care of by augmentin.

How does a doctor know which antibiotic to prescribe for sinus infections?

There really no no one tried and true anti-biotic for a doctor to prescribe. They keep up with what's going on in the medical community, figure out what microbs are currently most common and pick a medication that would treat it. 

Typically sinus infections are causd by three organisms which are the most common and they select a medication which will treat them all safely and cheaply.

If one medication is not working to treat the sinus infection they may try a different one which could be beneficial.

Sinus Infection Remedy North American Herb & Spice Sinuorega

I am a chronic sinus infection sufferer so I often like trying products that are not anti-biotics to clear up my sinus infections and I recently discovered North American Herb & Spice Sinuorega.

It's a bit on the expensive side and it burns really bad, however it does seem to get out fungal buildup and infections that often prescription drugs fail to help. After using this my nasal passages are clearer than they have been in a long time. It burns and you will find yourself cringing and swearing but I swear it works for me.

Is a sinus infection contagious?

I've heard mixed things on this. No sinusitis both chronic and acute is not contagious however the cold and flu that often precedes a sinus infection is contageous. I have heard others argue that sinus infections are contagious.

Sinus infections can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. I have heard some argue that sinus infectinos that are viral can be contageous.

Sinus headache really bad please help?

I think I have a sinus infection. When I came home at 3, I took ibuprofen for my sore throat. The headache started probably just before 5 and is only getting worse. I know it's my sinuses because all I can feel is pressure and pain between my eyes, in my nose, on my temples and my forehead. It's so painful I'm crying which I know is only making it worse. Point is, I can't more pain medicine for awhile, how do I just stop this now? I can't take it it hurts so bad. It's also my birthday and I have other things I need to do but I can't stop crying.

Crying isn't going to help you at all it's only going to give you a worse headache and make the pressure worse. Get an ice pack and put it on your eyes, face, throat and sinuses to help with the pressur and swelling of your sinuses. Take a hot shower or put your head over a pot or bowl of hot water the steam should help thin your mucus as well. Check out this site for other natural remedies and reviews of some over the counter products and supplements and teas you can buy. Your sinus infection in my opinion has progresses to the point that personally I woudl go see a doctor and not just wait it out.

Can a sinus infection cause yellow eyes?

I'm no doctor but I have had that happen to me before and it turned out to be a very bad sinus infection. My doctor told me that the retinal fluid was being filled or replaced by mucus. At that point my sinus infection had progressed to a point I wasn't going to try natural remedies I went to a doctor an got prescribed anti-biotics.

What are the best things to drink and eat while having a sinus infection?

When you have a sinus infection you want to drink a lot of liquids. Avoid dairy products as they cause mucus production. Try to drink a lot of water. Hot liquids like tea have steam and kind of help clear the sinuses. You can also drink sport drinks like gatorade or vitamin water. The more you drink the more it helps thin your mucus. I'd also recommend using steam to help clear you up.